MASA : 8.00 pagi hingga 5.00 petang
TEMPAT : Dewan Besar & Kawasan Sekitar Kampus
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UTM Wins Big at MTE 2008 - Including ‘Best of the Best Award’
Kuala Lumpur, 26th February: Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE 2008) once again became a platform for UTM researchers to show their dominance in developing the latest local and international technology. 2 special awards, 9 gold, 10 silver and 14 bronze is the award count for UTM this time.
Out of 36 participations, 33 products received 35 awards during the three day expo held at Putra World Trade Centre starting from the 21st to 23rd of February.
The sweetest victory came through Prof. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail with his product 'Novel Sulfonated Poly (Ether Ketone) (SPEEK) Membrane for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) which won ‘Best of the Best Award’ and Prof. Dr. Zaidaton whom won ‘The Best Award’ through her research product 'Personalized Learning Courseware Through Digital Learning Object Concept for Learning Multimedia and Computer Networking’.
An event that promotes the use of Science & Technology as well as Innovation, MTE 2008 hopes to tap into the vast business opportunities available locally through its showcase of the latest products and services in the local technology industry.
Aptly themed; “Technology … it’s Business” MTE 2008 hopes to create an awareness on great potentials that can be derived from utilising the products and services of the high-tech world of technology to advance in your business and in our everyday life.
Other UTM award winners are as follow:
1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, FKKKSA (2 products)
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaidatun Tasir, FP (2 products)
3. Dr. Ida Idayu Muhammad, FKKKSA
4. Prof. Dr. Azlan Adnan, FKA
5. Prof. Dr. Marsin Sanagi, FS
6. Dr. Aishah Jalil, FKKKSA
7. Prof. Dr. Abu Bakar Mohammad, FKE
1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaharah Ibrahim, FS
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abd. Rahman, FKA
3. Zarani Md. Taher, FKKKSA
4. Dr. Ida Idayu Muhammad, FKKKSA
5. Prof. Dr. Tharek Abdul Rahman, FKE
6. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Aini Wan Ibrahim
7. Prof. Dr. Md. Nor Musa (our dean!) & Prof. Madya Dr. Ainul Lutfi, FKM
8. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Muhridza Yaacob, FKE
9. Prof. Dr. Hussein Ahmad, FKE
10. Herlina Abdul Rahim, FKE
1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alias Abdul Rahman, FKSG
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Hafidz Omar, FP
3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Kamal Abd. Rahim, FKE (2 Products)
4. Dr. Norma Alias, FS
5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mazlian Esa, FKE
6. Prof. Dr. Ruzairi Abdul Rahim (Our TD!), FKE
7. Dr. Sevia Mehdaliza Idrus, FKE (2 products)
8. Dr. Zuwairie Ibrahim, FKE
9. Rozeha A. Rashid, FKE (3 products)
10.Zarani Md Taher, FKKKSA
Congratulations to all the winners and it is hoped the excellent achievements will be carried on to the next stage.
Teluk Danga International Games 2008: Johor are champions
JOHOR finished as overall champions in the five-day Teluk Danga International Games 2008 which ended in Johor Baru yesterday with a haul of 39 gold medals.
But the hosts were given a run in their chase for glitter with the 155-strong East Kalimantan contingent taking second with 36 gold, while Malaysia Games hosts Terengganu came third with 23.
On the final day of competition yesterday, Johor won gold through Halim Hasim in the men's 200m individual canoe to put the hosts beyond the reach of its rivals.
But it was Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) who won the last gold of the Games in women's beach volleyball when Yeoh Mei Yen and Wong Sim Yin beat Kalimantan's Martina and Mardalena Batang 21-16, 19-21, 17-15 in a thriller.More than 80 contingents from ten countries - Germany, Hong Kong, the Czech Republic, Japan, Macau, Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia - competed in 28 sports.
The hosts finished champions in boxing, fencing, golf, lawn bowls, silat, bowling, volleyball and canoeing with East Kalimantan reigning supreme in weighlifting, tennis, football and taekwando.
With its resounding success, the Majlis Sukan Negeri Johor (MSNJ) is already setting its sights on the Malaysia Games in May.
MSNJ director Mohd Shukri Mohd Masbah said potential gold medallists will be sent overseas for a short training stint to prepare them for the Malaysia Games.
"We have identified Australia (lawn bowls), Vietnam (silat), Aceh (fencing), Mongolia (judo), South Korea (archery), Indonesia (kayak) and Singapore (athletics) as bases where we will get expert coaching," said Mohd Shukri.
The MSNJ has set aside RM1.5 million as a training budget and is targeting 40 gold medals in Terengganu.
‘Educating Engineers For The 21st Century’
Skudai, 20th February: One of the challenges faced by UTM as Malaysia’s premier university in engineering and technology is to produce high quality Engineers. High quality also includes Engineers that are conscious regarding environmental issues.
Professor David A Nethercot, a visiting professor from the Imperial College London and Royal Academy of Engineering was invited to deliver a discourse entitled ‘Educating Engineers for The 21st Century’. The discourse was to create a greater awareness among future engineers produced by UTM.
In his discourse, Prof. Nethercot emphasized that amongst the greatest challenges we face in the world today are those of delivering growing, secure and affordable supplies of clean water and of energy, to meet the needs and expectations of an expending population, whilst reducing C02 emissions and the human contributions to climate change.
The implementation of innovative engineering solutions is fundamental to addressing these challenges, whilst also offering exceptional opportunities for economic growth to the nations which are able to deliver them.
A survey conducted by the Royal Academy to industry covering the following four main areas which is changes in the industry, current and future skills requirement, comparative quality of United Kingdom and other international engineering graduates and finally the consequential requirements for changes in engineering degree courses.
These four areas have led to a list of six key course requirements: practical application, theoretical understanding, creativity and innovation, team working, technical breath and business skills.
The top priority was essentially a combination of the first two: a sound understanding of engineering principles and the ability to apply them to solve practical problems. Focusing on this was regarded as 25 times more important as inculcating graduates with business skills.
Through this intellectual discourse it is hoped that these key course requirements can be developed for the engineers of the 21st century.
‘Towards The Sustainable University’
An Intellectual Discourse By DR. A.J. CLEGG
Skudai, 13th February: Universities have a role to produce graduates who can support the economic development of their country. There is an increased recognition that development should be sustainable and the term 'sustainable development' is used to reflect the need for economic development with social inclusion and protection of the environment.
In accordance with its competitive spirit and determination to become a ‘World Class-University’, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia invited a well-known professor to deliver an Intellectual Discourse entitled ‘Towards The Sustainable University’. Dr. Allen James Clegg is a Professor from Wolfson School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK. He is currently a visiting professor at the Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FKM).
The discourse was attended by students and academias of UTM.
Dr Clegg during the discourse proposed that UTM should incorporate 'sustainable development' within its philosophy, mission and aims and that it should demonstrate this commitment by its own actions as an institution, a 'green university', and through its teaching curricula and research.
The discourse also defined the principle of 'sustainable development', relating it to the philosophy and teachings of Islam, and described its importance in the international context of concern for development and the environment.
He also told everyone can all help to reduce our environmental impacts and support the principles of 'sustainable development'. Although the individual's contribution may seem minute, collective efforts by institutions can have real, measurable benefits.
The discourse focused on how the institution can reduce its environmental footprint by adopting the practices of the 'green university' which include resource conservation and effective waste management and reduction.
An institution can only be effective in this respect by inculcating the philosophy in all its staff and students through the process of education. However, as undeniably important this is, it is in the promotion of the philosophy through teaching and research that will have the most significant impacts.
If each of the around 5000 UTM students graduating annually from UTM implements this philosophy out into their employing institutions, then the University's potential support for the environment and sustainable development is magnified dramatically. Dr Clegg also stressed on the opportunity for UTM to 'green' the curricula of its faculties and institutes.
Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Cina
Kepada yang mengambil kesempatan untunk pulang ke kampung sila pandu kenderaan dengan cermat. Berhati-hati di jalanraya dan patuhi had laju. Manfaatkan cuti sebaiknya dan bersama-samalah kita memberikan sinar kegembiraan dan kebahagiaan kepada keluarga.
Sehubungan dengan cuti Tahun Baru Cina, pendaftaran kursus untuk Sesi 2007/2008 - II yang dijadualkan berakhir pada 8 Februari 2008 ini akan dilanjutkan sehingga 11 Februari 2008 (Isnin) jam 1.00petang.
Sehingga bertemu lagi, selamat bercuti dan "Gong Xi Fa Cai"!!!
UTM Juara Perbarisan Hari Wilayah Persekutuan 2008
Kontinjen yang terdiri daripada 70 orang pelajar Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) City Campus, Kuala Lumpur telah melakar sejarah dengan menjuarai Pertandingan Perbarisan bagi kategori Persatuan, NGO, Perumahan Awam, IPTA &IPTS yang diadakan sempena Hari Wilayah Persekutuan bagi tahun 2008.
Hadiah kemenangan telah disampaikan oleh YAB Dato' Seri Abdullah bin Hj. Ahmad Badawi, Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Mereka membawa pulang hadiah wang tunai sebanyak RM 5000 dan Sijil Iringan mengalahkan 30 pasukan lain.
Kemenangan ini telah membuktikan semangat UTMost membawa kejayaan. Kesungguhan peserta mengikuti latihan intensif dibawah pimpinan En. Mohd. Faizal dan En. Maizi dari Unit Keselamatan serta sokongan yang padu diberikan oleh Ketua Bahagian Pejabat Hal Ehwal pelajar (HEP), Pn. Hjh. Siti Salamah bin Mohd. Shihab membuahkan hasil.
Kontinjen UTM diketuai oleh saudara Mohd Syakir bin Ahmad, pelajar tahun 2 Diploma Kejuruteraan Elektronik, Kolej Sains dan Teknologi. Sesuatu yang menarik mengenai kontinjen ini adalah mereka bukanlah kumpulan pelajar dari pasukan beruniform tetapi atas semangat yang tinggi untuk mencuba sesuatu yang positif dan memiliki semangat berkumpulan yang mantap telah memudahkan mereka mempelajari kemahiran kawad kaki dengan begitu cepat.
Pemilihan warna tema yang tepat iaitu kuning, merah dan biru juga telah banyak membantu memperolehi markah yang tinggi. Pemilihan tersebut adalah berdasarkan warna rasmi Wilayah Pesekutuan. Konsep reka pakaian yang simple & corporate look menampakkan perbezaan yang ketara antara kontinjen UTM dengan pesaing yang lain.
Selain itu, tumpuan yang sepenuhnya diberikan semasa melalui pentas utama juga merupakan strategi yang bijak telah digunakan oleh kontinjen ini bagi mendapat perhatian daripada pihak juri.
Pejabat HEP sentiasa komited terhadap usaha pelajar yang bertujuan untuk menaikkan nama UTM di persada nasional dan antarabangsa. Semoga dengan kejayaan ini akan menjadi sumber inspirasi kepada yang lain agar sentiasa berusaha untuk menjadi juara dalam setiap acara yang disertai kelak.
No stopping this 'saucy' youth
DUNGUN: He is only 28 but Mohd Burharudin Ibrahim's success as a food manufacturer would turn others with more experience green with envy.
Armed with a family recipe and a can-do attitude, the Kampung Paya Balai Besar youth has become a major producer of sauces and cordials.
It all started when he was having a packet of instant noodles for lunch at home four years ago.
As he slurped up the noodles, the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia graduate noticed his mother's home-made chilli sauce for keropok.
And that was when the proverbial bulb lit up in his head and he decided to sell his mother's chilli sauce to his neighbours.
Mohd Burharudin, who obtained his technology management diploma in 2003, started his chilli sauce business with recycled bottles and produced about 300 bottles a day.
The sauce became an instant hit and Mohd Burharudin decided to expand his business.
He enrolled in numerous courses, including those on food processing, food technology and marketing, to gather the necessary knowledge to mass produce his mother's chilli sauce.
"A lot of people were sceptical as I was fresh out of UTM and young but their doubts only fuelled my desire to prove them wrong.
"I also relished the challenge of proving that a young entrepreneur could succeed with hard work and determination.
"It was tough at first but once I had made up my mind, there was no turning back."
The intrepid entrepreneur drove from town to town to promote the sauces manufactured under his brand, "Daen's" (coined from his name) and which carried a logo that he designed himself.
He followed up the success of the chilli sauce with a lychee cordial.
His persistence paid off and now his goods are sold in shops in Kemaman and Pasar Payang in Kuala Terengganu.
His production has increased 10-fold to 3,000 bottles daily.
"Officers from agriculture-related departments are pleased with my success," he said, adding that he could not have done it without his family's support.
Inspired by the likes of Securiforce Group executive chairman Datuk Maznah Hamid, Mohd Burharudin does not intend to rest on his laurels. Instead, he is already thinking about his next project -- to produce fishballs and fish burgers and to buy machines to increase productivity.
State Farmers Organisation Authority director Mohd Rosli Harun said Mohd Burharudin is a fine example for other youngsters.
"He became successful in a span of four years.
"He managed to penetrate a saturated market and it helps that he is tech-savvy as it makes a difference in the agriculture industry these days," said Mohd Rosli.
Penting! Kanak-kanak Di Culik!

Sharlinie Mohd. Nashar, 5, dilaporkan hilang ketika bermain bersama kakaknya di padang permainan yang terletak kira-kira 200 meter dari rumahnya di No. 29, Jalan PJS2C/11N, Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya.
Ketua Polis Daerah Petaling Jaya, Asisten Komisioner Arjunaidi Mohamed berkata, mangsa diculik kira-kira pukul 11.30 pagi. Ketika itu mangsa sedang leka bermain bersama kakaknya, Sharliena yang berusia lapan tahun.
Menurut beliau, ketika hilang, mangsa yang mempunyai tiga adik-beradik memakai baju-T dan skirt berwarna biru muda serta selipar warna merah jambu.
UTM Students Bag Six Prizes at VFE Awards
Kuala Lumpur, 30th January: Department of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment UTM announced today that several of its architectural students have been recognized with a total of six 'Best Architectural Innovation & Dynamic Ideas' Awards from the VERITAS Fund for Excellence in Design Education (VFE), including the Grand Prize, the competition's highest honour.
This year the competition was opened to students of design from all Public Institution of Higher Learning (IPTA) aimed at preserving the Bukit Nenas Forest Reserve in Kuala Lumpur and to create awareness of its importance as a green lung and bio-shelter to Kuala Lumpur. This competition aimed to challenge students to provide unique and original solutions to rehabilitate and rejuvenate interest in this forest reserve.
Entries to the competition are judged by a panel of master jury from various disciplines. Of the entries submitted, the five-member jury selected seven proposals to receive the awards, of which six were awarded to UTM. The jury’s process began with a one-day session in Bukit Nenas on January 18, reviewing the seven short-listed submissions.
The session started with a site visit around the site, Bukit Nenas, Kuala Lumpur, followed by making “first round” decisions. Then the short-listed proposals were presented by the team present and subsequently reviewed a third time, until consensus was achieved. The results of the final winners were announced at the Award Giving Ceremony on January 25, in Borneo Rainforest Café, Bandar Sunway.
The Grand prize, a travel grant worth RM16 000 for an architectural study trip, was awarded to UTM Team 3 for their innovative proposal "Alveolus: The Green Lung". Understanding Bukit Nenas as a green lung, their design proposal explored the evolutionary dynamics of the anatomy, development and respiratory principles as design strategies.
The team’s primary concern was to develop an adaptive system in various levels, from unit distribution to urban scale, sensitive to site conditions and variations of programmatic demands over time. The team comprised of six undergraduate architectural degree students in their final year of study; Doreen Wong Yoke Fong, Thian Soo Ying, Ng Say Chyuan, Cheah Ding Ding, Mohd Rizal Mohd Rosly and Alif Abrar b. Mohamed Rosli.
Team 10 triumphed as the 1st Prize winner after the Grand Prize Award, a travel grant worth RM8000. According to one of their team members, Wan Fitril Hakim, “in promoting carbon neutrality in the city of Kuala Lumpur, their proposal responds to the existing ecology of Bukit Nenas in support of a CFC-free zone”.
Their main intention of the design is the preservation of the area whilst bringing in the city to enjoy the forest. The three other respective teams; UTM Team 1, UTM Team 6 and UTM Team 7, all received consolation prizes worth RM1000 each team
Finally, rounding off the department's most successful ever competition, UTM Team 7 collected Award in the “Best Graphic Presentation” category for their visually stunning range presentation boards and UTM Team 6 in the “Best Oral Presentation” category. "We are thrilled and honoured to be recognized with all these awards. This is our best performance ever," says Assoc. Prof. Dr Syed Ahmad Iskandar Syed Arifin, Head of Architecture Department.