UTM Ranked the Highest in Malaysia
“UTM ranked the highest among Malaysian universities in terms of Recruiter Review score in the THES World University Ranking 2007”
The Times Higher Education Supplement- Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings rank universities by several indicators of academic or research performance, including academic peer review (40%), citations per faculty member (20%), recruiter review (10%), proportion of international faculty (5%), proportion of international students (5%) and student faculty ratio (20%).
These indicators reflect the scores on the four ranking criteria : Research Quality (peer review & citations), Graduate Employability (recruiter review), International Outlook (international faculty and students) and Teaching Quality (student-faculty ratio).
(see details in www.topuniversities.com/worlduniversityrankings
/university_rankings_news/ )
The Recruiter Review score based on responses to recruiter (employer) survey and related to the Graduate Employability criteria. It indicates the perception of the recurting companies on the graduates of the University. Recruiter names are sourced through QS databases, media partners and partner schools & universities.
Responses are weighted by region to reach a final score. Aside from the online surveys used for the Peer and Recruiter Reviews for which in addition to QS own lists, data was used from World Scientific, Mardev, JobsDB (Philippines) and JobStreet (Malaysia), a range of other sources of data have been used.
Dr. Marguerite Clarke, an international education consultant based in Adelaide, Australia, discussed the rise in demand of university rankings and their impact on students in three student-related areas: access to higher education, choice of school, and opportunities after graduation.
According to Clarke, studies show that university rankings can threaten higher education access for disadvantaged students by creating incentives for schools to recruit students who will be “assets” in terms of maintaining or enhancing their position in the rankings.
(see her article in this page- www.topuniversities.com/worlduniversityrankings/university_rankings_news/article )
Evidence from the US and Europe suggests that rankings do not play a large role in most students’ choice of a university or graduate program. For example, of the 221,897 undergraduate students who responded to one survey, 11% (mainly from high-income families) saw university rankings as a very important factor in their choice of school while 60% found them not at all important.
In terms of student opportunities after graduation, studies in several countries have found a relationship between the perceived status of the degree-granting institution (a characteristic that relates strongly to university rankings) and employment and earnings outcomes for graduates.
These studies suggest that the impact is temporary for most students, although there can be a more enduring effect for low-income students and graduates of professional programs. Rankings appear to have little or no sway on employers who hire graduates in very specialized or newly established program areas that are in high demand.
Early data suggest that the global ranking systems are helping to better inform prospective students in many countries about the available choices, including where they can obtain a high quality education for a reasonable price.
It is important for higher education institutions to reflect on their use of ranking information. This involves considering whether rankings may be unduly influencing priorities and processes in certain aspects of institutional life, including admission decisions.
Dr. Clarke pointed out that, it is important for students to recognize that rankings reflect only one aspect of an institution’s profile and are not necessarily predictive of the quality of the education that they will receive, or of the opportunities that will be available to them after graduation.
In 2007, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has scored favourably in the Recruiter Review criteria compared to other Malaysian universities in the Top-500 World University Rankings 2007. For comparison, the recruiter review ranking for Malaysian universities in descending order : Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (161), University of Malaya (173), Universiti Putra Malaysia (266), Universiti Sains Malaysia (274) and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (316).(Corporate Affairs, UTM)
Two awards for UTM at INPEX 2008
Skudai, July 8th: Three UTM researchers has managed to secure two awards at the Invention and New Products Exhibition (INPEX) 2008, America's largest invention trade show held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA on 11th to 14th of June 2008.
Prof. Dr. Azlan Adnan of the Faculty of Civil Engineering through his research product, Intelligent Structural Inspection Rating System Using Mobile Devices (SEER-INTEL) won a Silver – Jury Award under the Construction category (Silver - Jury Award (Construction).
The collaboration between Prof. Dr. Md. Nor Musa, the Dean of Research Management Centre and Assoc. Prof. Ainullotfi Abdul Latif from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering proved fruitful after winning a Bronze – Merit Award through their product, Multistage Symmetrical Wobble Plate Compressor.
This is the forth time UTM participated in the event starting from 2002 and has won various awards during the previous INPEX.
Sponsored and produced by InventHelp, INPEX is a unique trade show that showcases numerous inventions, new products and innovations that are available to license, market or manufacture. "The Invention Show" brings inventors and entrepreneurs together with industry representatives in one convenient forum.
It provides a forum for inventors to exhibit their inventions and attempt to make contacts with companies interested in licensing, marketing or manufacturing new products.
INPEX exhibitors come from far and wide, and their inventions fall into all sorts of different product categories. These categories include (but are not limited to) automotive, electronics, hardware, housewares, sporting goods, toys and games, and more.
Along with inventors from all fifty states, INPEX has received inventors from countries around the world, including Hong Kong, Croatia, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
Official visit to UTM by the Minister of Higher Education
Skudai, June 20th: Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin made his first official visit to UTM since appointed the Minister of Higher Education last March after the 2008 General Election.
His arrival was received by the Vice Chancellor, Tan Sri Prof Dr. Mohd Zulkifli Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali, senior officers of UTM, Deans and other UTM Staffs and students at the Administrative Building, UTM Skudai.
After signing the guest book, the Minister was ushered to the Senate Hall where the Vice Chancellor gave a brief overview of UTM and a video presentation before the Minister himself delivered a speech.
In his speech, Dato’ Seri Khaled Nordin praised UTM as the best University in Johor and has highly contributed to the popularity of the state. He also expressed his congratulation on all the achievements especially in the Research and Development (R&D) and the rankings of it students.
“We are in the verge of enhancing our commercialization and after listening to the achievements UTM have made, we will follow suit the examples from UTM.
“Our nation is in the need of an educational revolution to become a competitive nation so all Universities must set their own key performance index as the Ministry wants to be realistic in this matter but we will do some realignment to ensure that what ever it is the University is planning, it is in line with the Higher Education Strategic Plan.
The Ministry is also planning to amend the University College University Act (AUKU) so that more autonomy can be given to the Universities,” he said.
Then the Minister made a quick visit the Sultanah Zanariah Library to see the latest learning materials in UTM and its latest digital delivery system mainly the UTM Institutional Repository (UTM IR) which was launched last year in July after visiting the exhibition booth at the Administrative Building’s foyer.
He also spared some time to witness the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between UTM and University of Cambridge and Rolls Royce PLC.
UTM was represented by the Vice Chancellor while Cambridge University was represented by the Project Leader Prof. Dr. Simone Hochgreb and Rolls Royce by Mr, Olof Rapp, the Regional Director in Malaysia.
The MoA are an early agreement of collaboration between UTM and the two parties after UTM was appointed by the Malaysian Industry – Government Group for High Tehcnology (MIGHT) under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) to conduct a collaborative research.
It is under the Offset Trent 900 Programme to investigate the possibility of using biofuels for gas turbine combustion with a project cost of Euro 220, 163.00 which will be conducted in 3 years with a full funding from MOSTI.
Team up with varsities in R&D, private firms urged
JOHOR BAHRU: Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin has called for private corporations to collaborate with local universities in carrying out research and development (R&D) programmes.
He said such partnership was common in foreign countries.
"We do have it here but it is not satisfying. The companies should be more involved in forming such collaborations with the universities,” he said.
"Through R&D we would be able to come out with products of higher quality for us to compete in the international arena," he said.
He said there are four research universities in the country, namely Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Universiti Malaya, Universiti Putra Malaysia and Universiti Sains Malaysia.
"I hope to see more of such cooperation in the future," Mohamed Khaled told reporters at the UTM campus in Skudai here on Friday.
He was there to witness the signing of Memorandum of Understanding between UTM, University of Cambridge (UC) and Rolls Royce Plc, the manufacturer of the Trent engine of Airbus A380 airliners.
The three institutions will conduct a collaborative research to explore the possibility of using biofuel for gas turbine combustion.
The £220,163 (over RM1.4mil) project, to be conducted in three years, is fully funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
It is part of the nearly RM5mil Science Fund research given to UTM’s “Development of A Database for Biofuel Combustion Properties” programme.
Prof. Azmi bin Abdullah Pulang ke Rahmatullah
Allahyarham mula berkhidmat di UTM pada tahun 1974 sebagai Penolong Pensyarah di Fakulti Kejuruteraan Awam. Beliau telah menyandang beberapa jawatan penting di UTM semasa hayatnya di antaranya Ketua Jabatan, Timbalan Dekan, Pengarah Autodesk Training Centre (ATC), Pengarah Kampus selama 6 tahun, Dekan Kolej Sains dan Teknologi (KST) dan jawatan terakhir beliau sebagai Pengarah Alumni UTM.
Sepanjang berkhidmat, pelbagai usaha telah dibuat oleh beliau dalam menaikkan imej universiti antaranya mengasaskan idea pembinaan Dataran Ilmu yang merupakan mercu tanda UTM City Campus dan Buletin City Campus.
Allahyarham yang merupakan anak kelahiran Perak meninggalkan seorang isteri, Puan Khatijah Mohamad dan seorang anak yang telah berumahtangga. Jenazah allahyarham telah selamat dikebumikan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam Klang Gate sebelum zuhur.
Pemergian beliau merupakan kehilangan yang besar kepada universiti. Semoga roh beliau ditempatkan bersama-sama orang yang soleh... Didoakan juga semoga keluarga allahyarham tabah menghadapi ujian dari Allah s.w.t. Alfatihah...Amin
Naib Canselor Beramah Mesra Dengan Pelajar Baru Sempena MHS 2008/2009
Program Minggu Haluan Siswa (MHS) seperti mana setiap tahun sekali lagi diatur padat dengan pelbagai program sempena kemasukan pelajar baru bagi sesi 2008/2009. Bermula dengan sesi pendaftaran pada 29 Jun, MHS akan berlangsung sehingga 5 Julai 2008, melibatkan pengambilan pelajar program Diploma Kolej Sains dan Teknologi UTM City Campus Kuala Lumpur.
Majlis perasmian MHS telah disempurnakan oleh Yang Berbahagia Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Mohd. Zulkifli bin Tan Sri Mohd. Ghazali, Naib Canselor UTM di Dewan Besar UTM City Campus Kuala Lumpur pada hari Isnin, 30 Jun 2008. Turut hadir pada majlis tersebut, Yang Berbahagia Prof. Dr. Hamdani bin Saidi, Pengarah Kampus, Prof. Ir. Dr. Azhari Md. Salleh, Dekan Kolej Sains dan Teknologi, Puan Hajah Siti Salamah binti Mohd. Shihab, Ketua Jabatan, Pejabat Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan ketua-ketua jabatan UTM City Campus Kuala Lumpur.
Yang Berbahagia Naib Canselor sewaktu berucap pada majlis tersebut, menyentuh mengenai penekanan Universiti untuk melahirkan graduan yang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang, selaras dengan seruan Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
Dalam usaha membangun sebuah Universiti bertaraf antarabangsa tambah beliau, bidang sains dan teknologi perlu dipertingkatkan bagi mencapai piawaian badan-badan penilaian, khususnya berkaitan inovasi dan daya cipta. Disamping itu jelas beliau lagi, adalah penting bagi pelajar untuk meningkatkan penguasaan dan pengukuhan Bahasa Inggeris serta pembacaan akhbar-akhbar utama Negara.
Terdahulu, Majlis Aluan Pengarah Kampus telah diadakan pada hari Ahad, 29 Jun 2008 bertempat di Dewan Besar, UTM City Campus Kuala Lumpur. Dalam ucapan aluan yang disampaikan, Yang Berbahagia Prof. Dr. Hamdani bin Saidi, Pengarah Kampus menyeru para pelajar agar bersedia untuk mengubah cara berfikir serta melakukan ‘anjakan minda’ dalam usaha menghadapi proses transformasi sebagai mahasiswa dan mahasiswi di Universiti.
Beliau menambah, persediaan ke arah ini perlu bermula dengan azam, tekad dan perjuangan yang baru, di samping berusaha untuk menjadi individu yang berjaya di peringkat glokal dan global.
Dengan tema “Membina Ketahanan Menghadapi Cabaran”, antara program yang disediakan sepanjang MHS sesi 2008/2009 ialah Ceramah Penyalahgunaan Dadah, Ceramah Pelan Integriti Nasional (PIN), Ceramah Pengurusan Wang dan Forum Islam Hadhari.
Iklan Pengambilan Pelajar Baru 2008 / 2009
Pride and concern at campus
“I am very happy and grateful that I have been accepted to the university. This is the first time I’m away from home and I hope I can rise to the challenge,” Chung Yik said, adding that he would certainly miss his family in Alor Setar.
His father, Ee Lian Guan, 59, said that studying at the university would teach his son to be more independent.
“He has to learn to take care of himself now. Driving all the way here from Alor Setar is worth it as I want my son to succeed in life.”
He added that Chung Yik’s older sister, Lee Chuan, 22, who is doing a degree in quantity surveying at UTM, would certainly look out for him.
Meanwhile Buah Bangkol, 60, from Miri, was proud that his son Abu Hamzah had enrolled for the mechanical engineering course.
“It means a lot to me as we come from a humble family. I worked hard to ensure that my son will have a brighter future than me,” Buah Bangkok said, adding that he was confident his son would do well.
Abu Hamzah, 18, said he chose UTM because it is excellent in the field of mechanical engineering.
“I want to be an engineer and I know this is where I can realise my dream. I cannot wait to be taught by some of the best lecturers in the country.”
Another mechanical engineering student, Kiong Hock Cheong, 18, was excited about mixing with students from different races at the university.
The Sitiawan lad viewed tertiary education as a chance to broaden his horizon.
“It’s only my first day here and I already like the positive vibes and warm environment. I will surely enjoy my four years here,” he said.
Hock Cheong’s mother, Ling Sew Ngoh, 50, hoped that her son would strive to do his best and excel in his studies.
For Nurul Shayumi Yusoff of Kuantan, the chance to study mechanical industry at the university was a dream come true.
“I never expected to get a place here. I will not take the opportunity for granted and will cherish my time here,” Nurul, 19, said. – By FARIK ZOLKEPLI
Jemputan Menghadiri '1st International Conference on Biotechnology For The Wellness Industry"
Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Loji Pandu Kejuruteraan Kimia (CEPP) akan menganjurkan '1st International Conference on Biotechnology For The wellness Industry' pada 5 – 6 Ogos 2008, bertempat di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) Kuala Lumpur.
Pelbagai pameran serta demonstrasi kesihatan dan kecantikan akan diadakan bersempena dengan program tersebut, seperti mana berikut:
5 Ogos 2008
* Kepentingan Kesihatan Tanah
* Kecantikan Bermula Dari Dalam & Demo Penghasilan Kosmetik
* Pertunjukan Masakan Kesejahteraan
6 Ogos 2008
* Demonstrasi Teknologi EM
* Pertunjukan Masakan Kesejahteraan
* Dimensi Tekanan
Pengangkutan ke PWTC akan disediakan jam 12 tengahari dan 2.30 petang dari PWTC ke UTM City Campus, serta pek makanan dan minuman sepanjang program berlangsung.
Kepada yang berminat, sila hubungi En. Fadzly /Pn. Yatie di talian 03-26154406 atau emel ke fadzly@cepp.utm.my atau nikyati@cepp.utm.my bagi mengesahkan kehadiran.
Diversity of Culture @ The International Week 2008
Graciously officiated by Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Mohd. Zulkifli bin Tan Sri Mohd. Ghazali, Vice-Chancellor of UTM yesterday at the Dewan Sultan Iskandar, the merry opening ceremony is filled with exhilarating performances from 19 participating countries. Also present were Prof. Ir. Dr. Siti Hamisah Tapsir, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and international), Prof. Dr. Alias Mohd Yusuf, Dean of International Affairs, International Academias, Deans and other distinguished guests.
The performances featured among others were dramatization of Iraq wedding ceremony, “Poco-Poco” dance by students from Indonesia, Arabic Sword dance by students from Saudi Arabia, musical performances from Malaysia Kazakhstan and China, and international fashion show.
Impressed with the first-of-its kind programme, Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Mohd. Zulkifli in his opening speech said it is timely to have all the international community along with the local students to organize such programme that promotes integration among students of various backgrounds and culture, which also serves to foster better understanding about different cultural experiences.
In line with UTM’s aspiration in moving towards internationalization, he said, “UTM is doing its best to ensure that the needs and expectations of international students are met and this has been translated into providing better services and world class academic programmes”, adding that the management is also trying hard to ensure a pleasant and memorable stay among the internationals here.
He complimented the committee members for putting their heart and soul to the success of the programme, thus hoped that future similar events will be better in terms of participation and activities.
The culmination of the ceremony is the presentation of award by Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Mohd. Zulkifli to winners of the most creative booths. Syria won the first place, followed by Iran, the second most creative booth winner and Libya, taking the third place.
Apart from the entertainment and bazaar that exhibits merchandise and souvenirs from over 19 countries, namely Cameroon, China, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Somalia and Yemen, the 4-day programme that starts on the 26th and ends on 20th March also includes sports carnival among the participants.
The response has been overwhelming from all students and participants that not only they benefit the knowledge on various cultural practices and tradition, but also helps them to establish new friendships and strengthen inter-cultural relations with those of different origin.
UTM Architecture Student Top Winner of Just Jerusalem Global Competition
Skudai, 23rd March: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia’s (UTM) architecture student has been declared top prize winner in the Just Jerusalem Competition, an international competition organized by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
The result was announced at MIT on March 21st and released simultaneously on the competition official website. Just Jerusalem was an open global competition attempted at seeking ideas and proposals that addressed different aspects of urban life in a futurist Jerusalem. The news was announced by the Vice Chancellor, Tan Sri Datuk Ir. Dr. Mohd Zulkifli bin Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali, in his officially address during the 40th Convocation held at UTM Skudai campus today.
Initially a total of 1,150 people from 85 countries registered for the competition. Eventually only 125 eligible proposals were accepted by the organizer which later undergone review by world-class panel of jury convened at MIT. Among the nine-member jury were Suha Ozkan and Herman Hertzberger, both a well-known scholars and architects.
Chan Wai Lai, a senior architecture student decided to take up the competition as her final year Design Thesis project at beginning of the academic session. She hoped and aspired to see Jerusalem as city of peace through the idea of sharing. In her project abstract, she elaborated,
“Without raising awareness of the need for sharing, energies devoted to constructing iconic architecture or designing beautiful buildings do not make sense. To achieve new and true peace, we must solve the problems of man, not of buildings, facilities or land division -- because all these problems come from man alone.”
As an expression of hope for future Jerusalem she adopted “Children’s Village for Jerusalem" as the title for her competition entry. It is in the children that she hoped the future community of peace would be nurtured and raised out of a built environment that she have designed, and hopefully in the end the proposed dwelling environment would help to address social equality and harmony among citizenry of Jerusalem.
As top winner she will be given the opportunity to spend up to an academic semester in residence at MIT as Jerusalem Visionary Fellow, with all expenses paid, including travel, housing, and stipend. It is estimated that a total amount USD50,000 been allocated for her appointment as visionary fellow.
As visionary fellow she will engage in interdisciplinary discussion about the implementation of the ideas. Throughout her stay at MIT, she will be participating in university seminars and workshops with faculty and invited dignitaries to work towards the implementation of their design ideas.
The Design Thesis is a two-semester long final year design project, a core course in architecture degree programme. Like other students of her peer, Ms. Chan Wai Lai is expected to submit the project to Department of Architecture at end of this semester as part fulfillment of the degree requirements.
She undertook the competition design project under the tutelage of a supervisory panel consisting of Abdul Halim Hussien, Ar. Marzuki Mahadi, and headed by Professor Dr. Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi.
Head of Architecture Department, Assoc. Prof. Dr Syed Ahmad Iskandar Syed Ariffin highlighted that for the past few years UTM have witnessed architecture students winning handful number of national and international awards.
The awards are in many ways a form of recognition of architecture degree programme at UTM and to the highly dedicated and caliber academic staff and students. The community of staff and students at Department of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment is proud to be able to once again raise national and UTM flags at international stage.
UTM cipta alat kesan banjir - UTUSAN
JOHOR BAHRU 25 Mac – Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) berjaya mencipta Sistem Amaran Banjir Fotoniks (SABF) bagi mengesan bencana alam itu dengan lebih pantas.
Ketua Pusat Teknologi Fotoniks Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik UTM, Prof. Dr. Abu Bakar Mohammad berkata, SABF merupakan sistem yang mampu memberi amaran mengenai kenaikan paras air kepada penduduk yang menggunakannya.
Menurutnya, sistem itu juga dapat menyelamatkan nyawa dan kerosakan harta benda yang mencecah jutaan ringgit setiap kali banjir melanda, terutamanya banjir kilat yang sering berlaku di kawasan bandar.
“Apa yang membanggakan setiap satu set sistem ini mampu memberi khidmat kepada 250 pelanggan dan boleh ditambah dengan kad SIM Modul Identiti Pelanggan (Subscriber Identity Module) yang lebih besar.
“Pada dasarnya sistem ini mempunyai tiga kelebihan iaitu boleh menghantar khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) mengenai banjir yang berlaku, paras air berjaga-jaga dan paras berbahaya.
“Sistem ini juga boleh beroperasi dengan sebarang pengendali khidmat telekomunikasi selular seperti 019, 012, 013 dan 017,” katanya pada sidang akhbar di sini hari ini.
Prof. Dr. Abu Bakar berkata, sistem itu menggunakan kaedah fotoniks iaitu cahaya untuk mengesan kenaikan air dan menghantar isyarat kepada unit pemerosesan yang akan memproses isyarat paras air dan kemudian menghantar SMS kepada pelanggan.
Katanya, kelebihan kaedah fotoniks berbanding kaedah lazim yang menggunakan logam ialah ia mampu beroperasi dari jarak jauh, bebas kejutan elektrik dan menggunakan kuasa elektrik rendah.
Menurutnya, sistem itu disasarkan penggunaannya di kawasan yang sering dilanda banjir kilat sehingga menimbulkan fobia di kalangan penduduk setiap kali hujan lebat.
“Harga pasaran setiap set dijangka kurang daripada RM10,000 yang boleh dikongsi oleh penduduk di sesebuah kawasan perumahan atau kampung dan jika dilihat dari jumlah pelanggan yang boleh menerima khidmat bagi satu sistem, harganya hanya kira-kira RM40seorang,” katanya.
Jelas beliau, bagi menyiapkan sistem itu, pihaknya mengambil masa enam bulan dengan dibantu oleh Prof. Madya, Dr. Norazan Mohd. Kassim; Prof. Madya, Dr. Abu Sahmah Mohd. Supaat; Dr. Sevia Mahdaliza Idrus Sutan Nameh; Dr. Mohd. Haniff Ibrahim; Norhafizah Ngajikin dan Ahmad Hassan.
Beliau berkata, keberkesanan sistem itu telah diuji oleh dua pihak berkuasa tempatan iaitu Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru Tengah (MPJBT) dan Majlis Daerah Kulai.
Katanya, kejayaan mencipta alat tersebut membolehkan Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik meraih pingat emas pada Ekspo Teknologi Malaysia yang berlangsung di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) pada 21 Februari lalu.
Pastikan UTM diiktiraf universiti penyelidikan, Sultanah Johor
Dengan jumlah siswazah melebihi 100,000 sejak penubuhannya, baginda yakin UTM akan mampu mencapainya dan diiktiraf di peringkat global atas kemampuan melahirkan graduan yang berkualiti.
"Naib canselor dan pensyarah perlu berusaha lebih gigih lagi bagi memastikan UTM akan tersenarai bersama-sama universiti universiti yang telah diiktiraf di peringkat global," titah baginda pada majlis konvokesyen ke40, UTM, di Skudai dekat sini pada hari Sabtu.
Seramai 2,223 orang graduan UTM menerima ijazah masingmasing pada konvokesyen kali ini dengan 33 graduan merupakan penerima Ijazah Doktor Falsafah (PhD), 489 (Sarjana), 89 (Diploma Lepasan Ijazah), 1,399 (Sarjana Muda) dan 213 (Diploma).
Pada majlis pagi ini, Sultanah Zanariah turut berkenan menganugerahkan Ijazah Kehormat Doktor Pengurusan kepada Presiden Universiti Meiji, Jepun, Profesor Hiromi Naya.
Penganugerahan itu merupakan tanda penghargaan UTM kepada Universiti Meiji atas pelbagai sumbangan termasuk penubuhan sebuah pejabat satelit universiti itu di kampus UTM, Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur.
Konvokesyen kali ini turut menyaksikan seramai lapan penerima Ijazah Sarjana Muda adalah graduan usahasama UTM dan Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM), manakala 422 penerima Ijazah Sarjana Muda dan 38 diploma adalah graduan Sekolah Pendidikan Professional dan Pendidikan Berterusan (SPACE) UTM.
Seramai 78 penerima merupakan graduan antarabangsa dari 18 buah negara termasuk Libya seramai 19 orang, Indonesia (18), India (5), Bangladesh dan Sudan masing-masing empat orang.
Pada majlis itu, Kamaruddin Othman yang mengambil kursus Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Ummu Tasnim Husin, Sarjana Muda Sains (Matematik) dipilih sebagai penerima Anugerah Canselor.
Sementara pasangan suami isteri Salasun Naim Mohd Zain, 47, dan Rohidah Samadi, 48, warga emas Zainon Kassim, 50, dan Mohd Asrof Mohd Sapie, 32, yang menghidap rabun merupakan penerima anugerah SPACE.
Ketika ditemui selepas majlis itu, Mohd Asrof berkata kecacatan yang dialaminya tidak menjadi penghalang untuk melanjutkan pelajaran.
"Saya guna pita rakaman dan memperbesarkan tulisan bagi menelaah dan mengulang kaji pelajaran," kata graduan Sains dan Pendidikan Pengajian Islam itu.
Bagi Kamaruddin, 24, dan Ummu Tasnim, 22, ibu bapa dan kejayaan kakak dan abang menjadi pendorong mereka berdua sebagai anak bongsu untuk berjaya.
"Abang dan kakak memberi saya kekuatan untuk berusaha dengan gigih, tapi saya tidak sangka akan cemerlang seperti ini, syukur pada Tuhan," kata Kamaruddin.
Ummu Tasnim berkata beliau meminati subjek matematik sejak kecil kerana bapanya merupakan guru matematik.
"Mana tumpah kuah kalau tidak nasi. Ayah bekas guru matematik, jadi secara tidak langsung saya meminati subjek Matematik sejak kecil hingga sekarang," katanya.
UTM City Campus - Sambutan Maulidur Rasul 1429H
Ribuan hadirin membanjiri Stadium Putera Bukit Jalil untuk sama-sama memperingati hari bersejarah hari kelahiran Nabi Junjungan yang ajarannya masih bersama kita hingga ke hari ini.
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) City Campus, Kuala Lumpur turut mengambil bahagian di dalam perhimpunan tersebut dengan menghantar seramai 100 orang peserta terdiri daripada 80 lelaki dan 20 wanita yang diketuai oleh Ustaz Shahrizal bin Shahidan.
Kemuncak sambutan tersebut diumumkan lima orang penerima anugerah Tokoh Maulidur Rasul. Hadiah disampaikan oleh Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di Pertuan Agong.
Pelajar KST Mewakili Negara
Beliau telah dipilih berasaskan kejayaannya memenangi pingat gangsa di dalam Pertandingan Kemahiran Malaysia Ke 17 dalam bidang Elektronik Industri yang dijalankan pada 13 hingga 17 Ogos 2007 yang lalu.
Saudara Chua telah dipilih untuk mengikuti program latihan intensif selama 6 bulan dibawah kendalian Urusetia Kemahiran Malaysia dan akan menjalani latihan di UTM City Campus di bawah seliaan Encik Ahmad Redzuan bin Mohd. Hanapiah, Pengajar di Woksyop Elektronik.
Setinggi-tinggi tahniah diucapkan kepada Saudara Chua. Kejayaan ini membuktikan bahawa graduan UTM adalah antara yang terbaik yang diperlukan oleh majikan dan industri.
Heads up for undergrads at Career Carnival 2008
The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International), Prof. Ir. Dr. Siti Hamisah Tapsir officiated the carnival which was held at the Sultan Iskandar Hall, UTM Skudai. The fair started on the 10th to 13th of March 2008.
With this year’s carnival theme ‘Challenge Yourself for an Optimum Future’, it is meant to push, inspire and encourage the graduates to pursue their career beyond the technical boundary globally. The carnival allows UTM graduates have extra edge in securing technical related jobs.
Siti Hamisah in her officiating speech said that “Career carnivals such as this aims to provide platform for graduating student to explore and broaden their career and job possibilities with the participating companies involved”.
We have quite a big number of our graduates working with multinational companies and they are based in the US, Europe, China, Middle East and Singapore” She added.
Representatives of participating corporations held interviews for prospective employees. There are also career talks given by participating companies which had an amazing response from the students.
According to the Deputy Director of the program, Norazrina Mohd Salleh the response from the students was so unexpected during career talk sessions. ”The Students shown great interest in these talks, we had to add more seats for them. Even students who have graduated attended the carnival to seek a better job opportunity”, she said.
More than 10, 000 résumé’s were collected before the carnival to allow the companies to screen suitable candidates to be interviewed. The committee of the carnival took the initiative of collecting the resumes by conducting a road tour around faculties and by organizing activities to promote the carnival.
The Carnival aims to attract final year students and also students who will undergo their industrial training. By attending this carnival it is hoped that the students will be able to find their placing in the job market.
Mr. Shear is considered as a Chinese affair expert since he has served extensively in the Far East region. He will be ending his tour of duty in Kuala lumpur soon and will continue handling the China affair at the U.S. State Department in Washington D.C. The talk is aptly titled, US-China Relations: Its Implication To Asean.
Mr. Shear who has served in Beijing, Tokyo and Sapporo touched in great length the rising power of China, India, Japan and United States in South East Asia region. There seem to be tug-of-war between US and China to stamp their influence in most of Asean nations.
Mr Shear did also touch on how critical is the peace and stability factor for any country to enjoy economic prosperity. He gave the example of Penang where multi national companies felt at ease setting up their business.
Gauging from the 60 plus audience and Mr Shear interaction during the dialog session, it can be said that the main objective of the talk to simulate intelectual discussion between the apeaker and the audience has been achieved.
The exchanged of ideas between UTM City Campus staff and Mr Shear becomes more significant since the Deputy Chief of Mission will be ending his stint in Kuala Lumpur for a new posting at the US State Department currently headed by State Secretary Condoleeza Rice.
The Luncheon Talk shows that even though majority of the UTM City Campus staff are from the engineering and technology background, they are not isolated from the everyday happenings of the world affairs, be it for the Palestinian issues or the Darfur conflict as the saying goes, good diplomacy is becoming more dependent on good science and technology.
Gerak Usahawan 2008: An Initiative to Promote Entrepreneurship
Skudai, 1st March 2008: Traditionally, entrepreneurship refers to a solely self-funded business, but in today’s environment with all the financial aid and facilities offered by the government, entrepreneurship has expand into very diverse areas of society. The role of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial culture in economic and social development has always been vital important to the state and national economies.
In an effort to reach out and heighten awareness of the significant role of entrepreneurship in, the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development in collaboration with UTM organized ‘Minggu Gerak Siswa’ from 29th February to 2nd March 2008 at Dataran Ko-kurikulum, UTM Skudai.
The 3-day programme was graciously officiated by Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled bin Nordin, Minister of Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development on Saturday, 1st March 2008, in presence of Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Musa bin Hassan, the ministry’s Secretary General, Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Prof. Ir. Dr. Alias bin Mohd Noor, UTM Vice-Chancellor (Students Affairs and Alumni), Encik Mohd Khairi bin Malik, Chairman of MPUB Johor Bahru Barat, Yang Berhormat Dato’ Aziz bin Sapian, Nusajaya, Johor parliamentary seat candidate and other distinguished guests.
Addressing its primary objective to stimulate on-going interest among the public, as well as to create a platform for students and young people to embark on entrepreneurship, Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled at the opening ceremony said that there are many opportunities available in the form of grants, assistance and loans offered by the ministry and its agencies, for various kinds of businesses. In this regard, he said “a total of RM1.8 has been spent by the government for the past four years to help promote business opportunities and increase business among bumiputra entrepreneurs.
Considering entrepreneurship a career path, Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Prof. Ir. Dr. Alias bin Mohd Noor, in his speech urged students explore all the opportunities and get involve in business, in preparation for life after graduation.
A user-friendly manual - Skim Pembiayaan dan Geran untuk Usahawan was launched in conjunction with the ceremony, followd by presentation of mock cheques by Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Mohamed Khaled to all companies that has successfully obtain MeCD financial aid.
The programme has received overwhelming response from the public and campusians since the very first day. Approximately 66 entrepreneurs took part in the programme to market various products, amongst others include foods, healthcare products, batik materials, vehicle spare parts and beauty products.
Public Lecture: Lightning the Misunderstood Natural Phenomenon
Skudai, 27th February: The misconceptions and misunderstanding about lightning are not limited to the general populace but also affecting the professional and semi professionals. These may be due to limited relevant publications and discussion as well as forum on the subject of lightning.
In order to create awareness among the society, a Public Lecture was held at the Sultan Iskandar Hall, UTM entitled ‘Lighting the Misunderstood natural Phenomenon’. The lecture was delivered on the 27th of February by Prof. Dr. Hussein Ahmad, the Director of High Voltage and High Current Institute (IVAT). He is a well known figure in the study of electricity currents and has developed several award winning research products locally and internationally.
This lecture is to address and iron out the misunderstanding about lightning and aligning the public towards correct understanding of lightning natural characteristics rather than just hearsay or suspicion.
The aspects discussed are the frequency of lightning strike of structures on the ground, the hazards of lightning strikes to human being, public properties as well as the animals roaming the earth. It also touches on the basic requirement of lightning protection for building structures, electrical and electronic equipment coupled with installation of lightning discharge detection system.
It was found that most of what IVAT have invented or developed not limited to removing the misconceptions and misunderstanding, can also be sources of alleviating the problems related to lightning.
MASA : 8.00 pagi hingga 5.00 petang
TEMPAT : Dewan Besar & Kawasan Sekitar Kampus
Jangan lepaskan peluang, sila hadiri sesi temuduga terbuka, mendaftar secara online untuk mendapatkan peluang pekerjaan, berhibur dan dimasa yang sama dapatkan informasi mengenai halatuju masa depan anda.
Pihak UPPK juga akan membuka gerai disana nanti. Datanglah beramai-ramai kerana ianya terbuka kepada semua!
UTM Wins Big at MTE 2008 - Including ‘Best of the Best Award’
Kuala Lumpur, 26th February: Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE 2008) once again became a platform for UTM researchers to show their dominance in developing the latest local and international technology. 2 special awards, 9 gold, 10 silver and 14 bronze is the award count for UTM this time.
Out of 36 participations, 33 products received 35 awards during the three day expo held at Putra World Trade Centre starting from the 21st to 23rd of February.
The sweetest victory came through Prof. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail with his product 'Novel Sulfonated Poly (Ether Ketone) (SPEEK) Membrane for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC) which won ‘Best of the Best Award’ and Prof. Dr. Zaidaton whom won ‘The Best Award’ through her research product 'Personalized Learning Courseware Through Digital Learning Object Concept for Learning Multimedia and Computer Networking’.
An event that promotes the use of Science & Technology as well as Innovation, MTE 2008 hopes to tap into the vast business opportunities available locally through its showcase of the latest products and services in the local technology industry.
Aptly themed; “Technology … it’s Business” MTE 2008 hopes to create an awareness on great potentials that can be derived from utilising the products and services of the high-tech world of technology to advance in your business and in our everyday life.
Other UTM award winners are as follow:
1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, FKKKSA (2 products)
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaidatun Tasir, FP (2 products)
3. Dr. Ida Idayu Muhammad, FKKKSA
4. Prof. Dr. Azlan Adnan, FKA
5. Prof. Dr. Marsin Sanagi, FS
6. Dr. Aishah Jalil, FKKKSA
7. Prof. Dr. Abu Bakar Mohammad, FKE
1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaharah Ibrahim, FS
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Baharuddin Abd. Rahman, FKA
3. Zarani Md. Taher, FKKKSA
4. Dr. Ida Idayu Muhammad, FKKKSA
5. Prof. Dr. Tharek Abdul Rahman, FKE
6. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Aini Wan Ibrahim
7. Prof. Dr. Md. Nor Musa (our dean!) & Prof. Madya Dr. Ainul Lutfi, FKM
8. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Muhridza Yaacob, FKE
9. Prof. Dr. Hussein Ahmad, FKE
10. Herlina Abdul Rahim, FKE
1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alias Abdul Rahman, FKSG
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Hafidz Omar, FP
3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Kamal Abd. Rahim, FKE (2 Products)
4. Dr. Norma Alias, FS
5. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mazlian Esa, FKE
6. Prof. Dr. Ruzairi Abdul Rahim (Our TD!), FKE
7. Dr. Sevia Mehdaliza Idrus, FKE (2 products)
8. Dr. Zuwairie Ibrahim, FKE
9. Rozeha A. Rashid, FKE (3 products)
10.Zarani Md Taher, FKKKSA
Congratulations to all the winners and it is hoped the excellent achievements will be carried on to the next stage.
Teluk Danga International Games 2008: Johor are champions
JOHOR finished as overall champions in the five-day Teluk Danga International Games 2008 which ended in Johor Baru yesterday with a haul of 39 gold medals.
But the hosts were given a run in their chase for glitter with the 155-strong East Kalimantan contingent taking second with 36 gold, while Malaysia Games hosts Terengganu came third with 23.
On the final day of competition yesterday, Johor won gold through Halim Hasim in the men's 200m individual canoe to put the hosts beyond the reach of its rivals.
But it was Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) who won the last gold of the Games in women's beach volleyball when Yeoh Mei Yen and Wong Sim Yin beat Kalimantan's Martina and Mardalena Batang 21-16, 19-21, 17-15 in a thriller.More than 80 contingents from ten countries - Germany, Hong Kong, the Czech Republic, Japan, Macau, Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia - competed in 28 sports.
The hosts finished champions in boxing, fencing, golf, lawn bowls, silat, bowling, volleyball and canoeing with East Kalimantan reigning supreme in weighlifting, tennis, football and taekwando.
With its resounding success, the Majlis Sukan Negeri Johor (MSNJ) is already setting its sights on the Malaysia Games in May.
MSNJ director Mohd Shukri Mohd Masbah said potential gold medallists will be sent overseas for a short training stint to prepare them for the Malaysia Games.
"We have identified Australia (lawn bowls), Vietnam (silat), Aceh (fencing), Mongolia (judo), South Korea (archery), Indonesia (kayak) and Singapore (athletics) as bases where we will get expert coaching," said Mohd Shukri.
The MSNJ has set aside RM1.5 million as a training budget and is targeting 40 gold medals in Terengganu.
‘Educating Engineers For The 21st Century’
Skudai, 20th February: One of the challenges faced by UTM as Malaysia’s premier university in engineering and technology is to produce high quality Engineers. High quality also includes Engineers that are conscious regarding environmental issues.
Professor David A Nethercot, a visiting professor from the Imperial College London and Royal Academy of Engineering was invited to deliver a discourse entitled ‘Educating Engineers for The 21st Century’. The discourse was to create a greater awareness among future engineers produced by UTM.
In his discourse, Prof. Nethercot emphasized that amongst the greatest challenges we face in the world today are those of delivering growing, secure and affordable supplies of clean water and of energy, to meet the needs and expectations of an expending population, whilst reducing C02 emissions and the human contributions to climate change.
The implementation of innovative engineering solutions is fundamental to addressing these challenges, whilst also offering exceptional opportunities for economic growth to the nations which are able to deliver them.
A survey conducted by the Royal Academy to industry covering the following four main areas which is changes in the industry, current and future skills requirement, comparative quality of United Kingdom and other international engineering graduates and finally the consequential requirements for changes in engineering degree courses.
These four areas have led to a list of six key course requirements: practical application, theoretical understanding, creativity and innovation, team working, technical breath and business skills.
The top priority was essentially a combination of the first two: a sound understanding of engineering principles and the ability to apply them to solve practical problems. Focusing on this was regarded as 25 times more important as inculcating graduates with business skills.
Through this intellectual discourse it is hoped that these key course requirements can be developed for the engineers of the 21st century.
‘Towards The Sustainable University’
An Intellectual Discourse By DR. A.J. CLEGG
Skudai, 13th February: Universities have a role to produce graduates who can support the economic development of their country. There is an increased recognition that development should be sustainable and the term 'sustainable development' is used to reflect the need for economic development with social inclusion and protection of the environment.
In accordance with its competitive spirit and determination to become a ‘World Class-University’, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia invited a well-known professor to deliver an Intellectual Discourse entitled ‘Towards The Sustainable University’. Dr. Allen James Clegg is a Professor from Wolfson School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK. He is currently a visiting professor at the Department of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FKM).
The discourse was attended by students and academias of UTM.
Dr Clegg during the discourse proposed that UTM should incorporate 'sustainable development' within its philosophy, mission and aims and that it should demonstrate this commitment by its own actions as an institution, a 'green university', and through its teaching curricula and research.
The discourse also defined the principle of 'sustainable development', relating it to the philosophy and teachings of Islam, and described its importance in the international context of concern for development and the environment.
He also told everyone can all help to reduce our environmental impacts and support the principles of 'sustainable development'. Although the individual's contribution may seem minute, collective efforts by institutions can have real, measurable benefits.
The discourse focused on how the institution can reduce its environmental footprint by adopting the practices of the 'green university' which include resource conservation and effective waste management and reduction.
An institution can only be effective in this respect by inculcating the philosophy in all its staff and students through the process of education. However, as undeniably important this is, it is in the promotion of the philosophy through teaching and research that will have the most significant impacts.
If each of the around 5000 UTM students graduating annually from UTM implements this philosophy out into their employing institutions, then the University's potential support for the environment and sustainable development is magnified dramatically. Dr Clegg also stressed on the opportunity for UTM to 'green' the curricula of its faculties and institutes.
Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Cina
Kepada yang mengambil kesempatan untunk pulang ke kampung sila pandu kenderaan dengan cermat. Berhati-hati di jalanraya dan patuhi had laju. Manfaatkan cuti sebaiknya dan bersama-samalah kita memberikan sinar kegembiraan dan kebahagiaan kepada keluarga.
Sehubungan dengan cuti Tahun Baru Cina, pendaftaran kursus untuk Sesi 2007/2008 - II yang dijadualkan berakhir pada 8 Februari 2008 ini akan dilanjutkan sehingga 11 Februari 2008 (Isnin) jam 1.00petang.
Sehingga bertemu lagi, selamat bercuti dan "Gong Xi Fa Cai"!!!
UTM Juara Perbarisan Hari Wilayah Persekutuan 2008
Kontinjen yang terdiri daripada 70 orang pelajar Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) City Campus, Kuala Lumpur telah melakar sejarah dengan menjuarai Pertandingan Perbarisan bagi kategori Persatuan, NGO, Perumahan Awam, IPTA &IPTS yang diadakan sempena Hari Wilayah Persekutuan bagi tahun 2008.
Hadiah kemenangan telah disampaikan oleh YAB Dato' Seri Abdullah bin Hj. Ahmad Badawi, Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Mereka membawa pulang hadiah wang tunai sebanyak RM 5000 dan Sijil Iringan mengalahkan 30 pasukan lain.
Kemenangan ini telah membuktikan semangat UTMost membawa kejayaan. Kesungguhan peserta mengikuti latihan intensif dibawah pimpinan En. Mohd. Faizal dan En. Maizi dari Unit Keselamatan serta sokongan yang padu diberikan oleh Ketua Bahagian Pejabat Hal Ehwal pelajar (HEP), Pn. Hjh. Siti Salamah bin Mohd. Shihab membuahkan hasil.
Kontinjen UTM diketuai oleh saudara Mohd Syakir bin Ahmad, pelajar tahun 2 Diploma Kejuruteraan Elektronik, Kolej Sains dan Teknologi. Sesuatu yang menarik mengenai kontinjen ini adalah mereka bukanlah kumpulan pelajar dari pasukan beruniform tetapi atas semangat yang tinggi untuk mencuba sesuatu yang positif dan memiliki semangat berkumpulan yang mantap telah memudahkan mereka mempelajari kemahiran kawad kaki dengan begitu cepat.
Pemilihan warna tema yang tepat iaitu kuning, merah dan biru juga telah banyak membantu memperolehi markah yang tinggi. Pemilihan tersebut adalah berdasarkan warna rasmi Wilayah Pesekutuan. Konsep reka pakaian yang simple & corporate look menampakkan perbezaan yang ketara antara kontinjen UTM dengan pesaing yang lain.
Selain itu, tumpuan yang sepenuhnya diberikan semasa melalui pentas utama juga merupakan strategi yang bijak telah digunakan oleh kontinjen ini bagi mendapat perhatian daripada pihak juri.
Pejabat HEP sentiasa komited terhadap usaha pelajar yang bertujuan untuk menaikkan nama UTM di persada nasional dan antarabangsa. Semoga dengan kejayaan ini akan menjadi sumber inspirasi kepada yang lain agar sentiasa berusaha untuk menjadi juara dalam setiap acara yang disertai kelak.
No stopping this 'saucy' youth
DUNGUN: He is only 28 but Mohd Burharudin Ibrahim's success as a food manufacturer would turn others with more experience green with envy.
Armed with a family recipe and a can-do attitude, the Kampung Paya Balai Besar youth has become a major producer of sauces and cordials.
It all started when he was having a packet of instant noodles for lunch at home four years ago.
As he slurped up the noodles, the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia graduate noticed his mother's home-made chilli sauce for keropok.
And that was when the proverbial bulb lit up in his head and he decided to sell his mother's chilli sauce to his neighbours.
Mohd Burharudin, who obtained his technology management diploma in 2003, started his chilli sauce business with recycled bottles and produced about 300 bottles a day.
The sauce became an instant hit and Mohd Burharudin decided to expand his business.
He enrolled in numerous courses, including those on food processing, food technology and marketing, to gather the necessary knowledge to mass produce his mother's chilli sauce.
"A lot of people were sceptical as I was fresh out of UTM and young but their doubts only fuelled my desire to prove them wrong.
"I also relished the challenge of proving that a young entrepreneur could succeed with hard work and determination.
"It was tough at first but once I had made up my mind, there was no turning back."
The intrepid entrepreneur drove from town to town to promote the sauces manufactured under his brand, "Daen's" (coined from his name) and which carried a logo that he designed himself.
He followed up the success of the chilli sauce with a lychee cordial.
His persistence paid off and now his goods are sold in shops in Kemaman and Pasar Payang in Kuala Terengganu.
His production has increased 10-fold to 3,000 bottles daily.
"Officers from agriculture-related departments are pleased with my success," he said, adding that he could not have done it without his family's support.
Inspired by the likes of Securiforce Group executive chairman Datuk Maznah Hamid, Mohd Burharudin does not intend to rest on his laurels. Instead, he is already thinking about his next project -- to produce fishballs and fish burgers and to buy machines to increase productivity.
State Farmers Organisation Authority director Mohd Rosli Harun said Mohd Burharudin is a fine example for other youngsters.
"He became successful in a span of four years.
"He managed to penetrate a saturated market and it helps that he is tech-savvy as it makes a difference in the agriculture industry these days," said Mohd Rosli.
Penting! Kanak-kanak Di Culik!

Sharlinie Mohd. Nashar, 5, dilaporkan hilang ketika bermain bersama kakaknya di padang permainan yang terletak kira-kira 200 meter dari rumahnya di No. 29, Jalan PJS2C/11N, Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya.
Ketua Polis Daerah Petaling Jaya, Asisten Komisioner Arjunaidi Mohamed berkata, mangsa diculik kira-kira pukul 11.30 pagi. Ketika itu mangsa sedang leka bermain bersama kakaknya, Sharliena yang berusia lapan tahun.
Menurut beliau, ketika hilang, mangsa yang mempunyai tiga adik-beradik memakai baju-T dan skirt berwarna biru muda serta selipar warna merah jambu.
UTM Students Bag Six Prizes at VFE Awards
Kuala Lumpur, 30th January: Department of Architecture, Faculty of Built Environment UTM announced today that several of its architectural students have been recognized with a total of six 'Best Architectural Innovation & Dynamic Ideas' Awards from the VERITAS Fund for Excellence in Design Education (VFE), including the Grand Prize, the competition's highest honour.
This year the competition was opened to students of design from all Public Institution of Higher Learning (IPTA) aimed at preserving the Bukit Nenas Forest Reserve in Kuala Lumpur and to create awareness of its importance as a green lung and bio-shelter to Kuala Lumpur. This competition aimed to challenge students to provide unique and original solutions to rehabilitate and rejuvenate interest in this forest reserve.
Entries to the competition are judged by a panel of master jury from various disciplines. Of the entries submitted, the five-member jury selected seven proposals to receive the awards, of which six were awarded to UTM. The jury’s process began with a one-day session in Bukit Nenas on January 18, reviewing the seven short-listed submissions.
The session started with a site visit around the site, Bukit Nenas, Kuala Lumpur, followed by making “first round” decisions. Then the short-listed proposals were presented by the team present and subsequently reviewed a third time, until consensus was achieved. The results of the final winners were announced at the Award Giving Ceremony on January 25, in Borneo Rainforest Café, Bandar Sunway.
The Grand prize, a travel grant worth RM16 000 for an architectural study trip, was awarded to UTM Team 3 for their innovative proposal "Alveolus: The Green Lung". Understanding Bukit Nenas as a green lung, their design proposal explored the evolutionary dynamics of the anatomy, development and respiratory principles as design strategies.
The team’s primary concern was to develop an adaptive system in various levels, from unit distribution to urban scale, sensitive to site conditions and variations of programmatic demands over time. The team comprised of six undergraduate architectural degree students in their final year of study; Doreen Wong Yoke Fong, Thian Soo Ying, Ng Say Chyuan, Cheah Ding Ding, Mohd Rizal Mohd Rosly and Alif Abrar b. Mohamed Rosli.
Team 10 triumphed as the 1st Prize winner after the Grand Prize Award, a travel grant worth RM8000. According to one of their team members, Wan Fitril Hakim, “in promoting carbon neutrality in the city of Kuala Lumpur, their proposal responds to the existing ecology of Bukit Nenas in support of a CFC-free zone”.
Their main intention of the design is the preservation of the area whilst bringing in the city to enjoy the forest. The three other respective teams; UTM Team 1, UTM Team 6 and UTM Team 7, all received consolation prizes worth RM1000 each team
Finally, rounding off the department's most successful ever competition, UTM Team 7 collected Award in the “Best Graphic Presentation” category for their visually stunning range presentation boards and UTM Team 6 in the “Best Oral Presentation” category. "We are thrilled and honoured to be recognized with all these awards. This is our best performance ever," says Assoc. Prof. Dr Syed Ahmad Iskandar Syed Arifin, Head of Architecture Department.
Johor Buzz: A Good Platform For Exchange of Ideas
Kuala Lumpur 29 January 2008, A CONFERENCE on manufacturing electronic technology attracted some 500 people, including undergraduates, lecturers, corporate figures and industry players.
The Comet 2008 was organised by Student Chapter-S227 of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai campus, under the patronage of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers.
The conference, the third since 2003, saw the presentation of research papers and discussions on identifying future prospects in the manufacturing and electronics fields.
State International Trade and Industry, Energy, Water and Communication committee chairman Tan Kok Hong, who opened the event, said the conference served as an excellent platform for undergraduates and corporate pro fessionals to exchange ideas.
He said the government had provided incentives to further enhance the development of the field and make Johor a manufacturing hub. Inventions by several UTM undergraduates which had won awards at international competitions were also displayed.
Tan Sri NC UTM Bertemu Pemimpin Pelajar
Pertemuan selama lebih dua jam ini berjaya membangkitkan suasana mesra dan semangat ingin berjaya di kalangan pelajar. Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Naib Canselor mengingatkan pelajar tentang tanggungjawab yang dipikul oleh setiap seorang dari mereka untuk merealisasikan halatuju universiti sebagai pemangkin kepada hasrat YAB Perdana Menteri Malaysia untuk membangunkan Modal Insan.
Menurut Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Naib Canselor, orang yang berjaya adalah mereka yang menangguhkan manafaat diri mereka. Dalam usia masih muda setiap pelajar harus membangunkan potensi diri, berfikir untuk berjaya. Mereka juga diseru untuk mempertingkatkan keupayaan berbahasa Inggeris kerana ia boleh membangunkan karakter dan menambah nilai diri.
Menyentuh mengenai suasana pilihanraya yang sudah mula terasa, pemimpin pelajar diingatkan supaya tidak terlibat langsung di dalam proses tersebut. Peranan sebagai pelajar Universiti, mereka perlu menjaga nama baik Universiti dan berusaha sebaik mungkin menambah ilmu di dada.
Mengambil kesempatan di sesi berdialog, pemimpin pelajar menyuarakan pelbagai masalah yang dihadapi dan pihak pengurusan yang universiti yang turut hadir di majlis tersebut diminta mengambil tindakan sewajarnya agar rungutan pelajar tidak berpanjangan.
Mesyuarat Penambahbaikan Diploma Teknologi dan Tatacara Perlaksanaan Program Pengukuhan
Kuala Lumpur 21 Januari, Unit Pengurusan Program Kerjasama telah melaksanakan dua mesyuarat penting bagi membincangkan isu semasa yang berkaitan dengan Program Kerjasama UTM.
Pada sebelah pagi telah berlangsung mesyuarat berkenaan penambah baikan Diploma Teknologi yang telah dipengerusikan oleh Dekan UPPK. Mesyuarat tersebut turut dihadiri oleh Dekan dan Timbalan Dekan Kolej Sains dan Teknologi. Mesyuarat selama 2 jam itu telah membincangkan secara dasar mengenai kurikulum terkini Diploma Teknologi bagi menyelaraskannya mengikut format yang dituntut oleh Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) atau dahulunya lebih dikenali sebagai (LAN).
Antara perkara penting yang dibincangkan secara terperinci adalah mengenai usaha-usaha penambah baikan terhadap Program Diploma Teknologi yang turut juga menganugerahkan secara berkembar Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia dari Majlis Latihan Vokasional Kebangsaan.
Turut hadir pada mesyuarat tersebut adalah wakil dari Kolej Tentera Laut, Tentera Darat, PSDC dan Unity College.
Pada sebelah petangnya pula, Timbalan Naib Canselor Akademik dan Antarabangsa Prof Ir. Dr Siti Hamisah Tapsir telah mempengerusikan satu lagi mesyuarat yang sangat penting berkaitan tatacara perlaksanaan program pengukuhan bagi pelajar-pelajar yang memasuki Program Kerjasama UTM kurang dari syarat penuh.
Mesyuarat yang berlangsung penuh teliti dan ilmiah itu telah mendapat banyak maklumbalas serta cadangan-cadangan positif daripada wakil Pusat Kerjasama. Mesyuarat tersebut telah berlangsung hampir kira-kira 1 setengah jam dengan akhirnya keputusan secara muafakat telah dicapai daripada pihak UTM dan Pusat Kerjasama.
Ramai Ketua-ketua Eksekutif dari Pusat Kerjasama yang telah hadir dan mengucapkan terima kasih atas keprihatinan dan maklumbalas yang pantas dari UTM hasil daripada Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tetap Senat Keputusan Peperiksaan Program Kerjasama yang lalu terutamanya berkaitan pelajar-pelajar yang mengambil subjek pengukuhan.
UPPK mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah hadir dan sama-sama memberikan pandangan, cadangan serta kerjasama penuh atas perkara-perkara dasar yang telah diperbincangkan secara panjang lebar semasa mesyuarat tersebut.
JACTIM – UTM Career Fair 2008 – Developing Quality Human Capital
Skudai, 19th January: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has always been in the front in producing quality graduates which is up to the standards needed by the industry. With 70 percent rate of employment, UTM graduates are always pursued by companies that need employers that can perform in their respective fields.
The collaboration between UTM with multinational companies have been proven fruitful as both parties have gain many benefits from the collaborations. UTM graduates are now scattered all across the globe as they are recognized internationally as competent professionals.
In furthering the collaboration, UTM through the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE) with the Japanese Chamber of Trade & Industry Malaysia (JACTIM) jointly organized the JACTIM - UTM Career Fair 2008 held at the Sultan Iskandar Hall on the 19th of January 2008.
This is the third time the career fair being held here in UTM after immense response from the students who are mostly in their final year and those who are planning their prospect career
As many as 15 Japanese companies based in Malaysia took part in the fair with the biggest participation from Panasonic Group of Companies who also held a career talk for the students.
Students also took the opportunity to visit other prestigious companies’ booth such as NEC Semiconductors, Toshiba Electronic, Sony EMCS, Hitachi Electronics and Bridgestone Armstrong.
The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academics & Internationalization), Prof. Ir. Dr Siti Hamisah Tapsir who officiated the opening ceremony said that the career fair provides the opportunity for UTM to work more closely with major Japanese Multinational Companies and in return the industries gains benefit from the top quality graduates produced by UTM annually.
Also present were the Director of Panasonic Management Representative of JACTIM, Akira Hashimoto, Dean of Faculty Electrical Engineering Dato’ Prof. Dr. Ahmad Darus and senior officers from both UTM and JACTIM.
The students who are interested in pursuing their career in the respective companies can send their resumes and those who have been short-listed will be called for an interview also held during the fair.
RESERD 2008 – Gearing Dynamic Human Capital
Kuala Terengganu, 15th January: Human capital development has been identified by the government as one of the most crucial elements which can contribute to a nation’s success. It is reflected in the national policy frameworks drawn by local thinkers and the government.
The policy frameworks, summarized in the three key national frameworks, namely the New Economic Policy, the National Development Policy and the National Vision Policy are based on a profound understanding of the needs and challenges of the present time as well as the aspiration of the nation to achieve quality human capital and ultimately achieve developed nation status by the year 2020.
Answering the call to produce quality human capital, UTM through the Faculty of Management & Human Resource Development with Terengganu Development Institute and Terengganu State Government jointly organized the 1st Regional Conference on Human Resource Development (RESERD 2008) together with the collaboration of Ministry of Human Resource.
The opening ceremony was officiated by Terengganu Mentri Besar, Dato’ Seri Hj. Idris Jusoh and held at the Primula Beach Resort, Kuala Terengganu on the 14th of January 2008. The 2-day conference attracted around 250 local and international participants.
Also present were the Vice Chancellor of UTM, Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Mohd Zulkifli Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali, President and Chief Executive Officer of TDI, Dr Azmi Omar and a special guest, Professor Aahad Osman-Gani from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Dato’ Seri Hj. Idris Jusoh in his opening speech said Human Capital Development is not just an asset to organizational growth and development. It is in fact, the single most essential factor that ultimately decides whether an organization will eventually grow successfully or die prematurely. It is the collective attitudes, skills and abilities of its human resource that significantly contribute to organizational performance and productivity.
He also added that the right approach and understanding of Islam would provide the proper guide to Human Capital Development.
The conference held 6 parallel sessions which presented 89 proposals by local and foreign academia’s such as from Slovac Republic, Iran, the Phillipines, Malta, Australia and the U.K.
Selamat Kembali Ke Kampus!
Pejabat ini ingin mengucapkan selamat kembali ke kampus kepada semua pelajar Program Kerjasama UTM di seluruh Malaysia dan semoga akan lebih gigih lagi dalam menempuhi alam pembelajaran dan pendidikan untuk Semester 2 Sesi 2007/2008 ini.
Kepada yang telah berjaya dengan cemerlang pada keputusan peperiksaan semester lalu, kami ucapkan syabas dan tahniah manakala pada yang kurang memberangsangkan, moga dapat melipat gandakan usaha dan lebih fokus terhadap kuliah dan pembelajaran. Selalu dampingi mereka yang berjaya jikalau anda mahu berjaya.
Dapatkan nasihat yang terbaik daripada pensyarah dan jelaskan segala kekeliruan dengan bertanya kepada yang tahu terutamanya kepada Pengarah, Pengurus ataupun Penyelaras Akademik Program Kerjasama UTM sendiri.
Rajin-rajinlah mengulangkaji dan melihat contoh soalan semester yang lepas dari sebermula kelas perkuliahan. Bagi yang berkeputusan Kedudukan Baik (KB), rancanglah masa depan pembelajaran anda dengan mengambil beban kredit yang bersesuaian namun tidak boleh kurang dari 10 kredit, terkecuali bagi kes-kes tertentu seperti semester akhir, latihan industri dan sebagainya.
Lebih penting lagi untuk pelajar ber Kedudukan Bersyarat (KS), pastikan pendaftaran anda tidak melebihi 9 kredit dan terlebih dahulu mengulang matapelajaran (UM) kursus-kursus yang pernah gagal terlebih dahulu. Mengulang gred bagi kursus-kursus yang tidak mempunyai gred yang baik adalah amat digalakkan sama-sekali. Namun harus di ingat! Mengulang Gred (UG) hanya dibenarkan sekali sahaja untuk subjek berkenaan disepanjang tempoh pengajian!
Sekian dahulu buat masa ini, jumpa lagi dan "Selamat Kembali Ke Kampus!"
Hijrah Ke Arah Hidup Lebih Lestari
Hijrah dalam konteks takwim merujuk kepada peristiwa perpindahan Nabi Muhammad SAW dari Makkah ke Madinah pada 8 Rabiulawal bersamaan 20 September 622M. Dari segi pembinaan ummah, konsep hijrah melebihi sekadar catatan masa dan takwim.
Hijrah, menurut Ismail Raji al-Faruqi, menandakan permulaan masyarakat Islam sebagai sebuah sistem sosial dan kenegaraan.
Dalam al-Quran, kata dasar h-j-r digunakan dalam pelbagai keadaan, misalnya untuk meninggalkan perbuatan dosa (menyembah berhala) (Muddatsir: 5), memisahkan isteri dari tempat tidur (An-Nissa': 34), menjadikan al-Quran sesuatu yang tidak diacuhkan (Al-Furqan: 30), menjauhi mereka (orang yang mendustakan) dengan cara yang baik (Al Muzammil: 10), berpindah ke tempat yang diperintahkan Allah (Al Ankabut: 26), berhijrah pada jalan Allah (An Nisa': 89, Al-Anfal: 72).
Hijrah menandakan suatu pembaharuan, pembaikan dan peningkatan dalam pelbagai segi kehidupan, tidak terhad kepada aspek spiritual saja. Dari segi pemikiran, hijrah mendorong pembinaan minda positif, proaktif dan lestari.
Dengan keyakinan tinggi, minda positif dan mengharap keredaan Allah SWT, maka Musa'ab bin Umair sanggup berhijrah meninggalkan harta, kedudukan dan kemewahannya di Makkah.
Demikian juga Abu Bakar as-Siddiq yang berfikiran proaktif bahawa hijrah ke Madinah akan membuka lembaran baru kehidupan beragama sehingga sanggup berkorban menemankan Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam perjalanan penuh dramatik meninggalkan bumi Makkah.
Dalam konteks semasa, konsep hijrah perlu terus dikumandangkan dan direalisasikan. Ini sesuai dengan tabii ajaran Islam yang mendorong umat-Nya menuju kejayaan dunia dan akhirat. Konsep hijrah ini juga perlu untuk menggerakkan umat Islam yang ketika ini masih belum mencapai tahap membanggakan dari segi pembangunan dan kemajuan duniawi.
Sehubungan itu, konsep hijrah wajar dilihat dari perspektif ketamadunan dan pembangunan lestari. Ini selari dengan gagasan Islam Hadhari seperti dikemukakan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Maknanya, hijrah bukan sekadar pembinaan minda dan peningkatan tahap kerohanian individu, bahkan merangkumi seluruh umat Islam dan meliputi seluruh aktiviti kehidupan daripada berkeluarga sehingga aspek ketamadunan, seperti pelestarian alam sekitar.
Alam sekitar tidak terhad kepada aspek estetika dan kebersihan fizikal semata-mata. Hakikatnya keseimbangan alam sekitar memberi kesan ketara kepada keharmonian dan kesejahteraan hidup selari dengan kemajuan negara serta kemakmuran bumi.
Tanpa rimbunan pokok, maka tadahan hujan untuk bekalan air akan mengurang. Tanpa hutan maka keupayaan menyerap gas karbon dioksida di atmosfera akan berkurangan. Tanpa udara yang bebas bahan cemar, maka kesihatan awam terancam.
Ajaran agama -tidak terhad kepada Islam - menjelaskan peranan alam sekitar sebagai salah satu unsur terpenting aspek ketuhanan dalam konteks kosmologi.
Ajaran Islam pula menjelaskan kedudukan alam sekitar yang kudus dan tertib. Itulah rasionalnya alam sekitar dikemukakan sebagai salah satu teras Islam Hadhari.
Pelestarian dan kepentingan alam sekitar disebutkan secara tersurat dan tersirat dalam banyak ayat al-Quran dan hadis. Dalam surah Ali Imran (ayat 191) misalnya, Allah berfirman yang bermaksud: "(iaitu) orang yang mengingati Allah sambil berdiri atau duduk atau dalam keadaan berbaring dan mereka memikirkan mengenai penciptaan langit dan bumi (seraya berkata): `Ya Tuhan kami, tiadalah Engkau menciptakan ini dengan sia-sia. Maha Suci Engkau, peliharalah kami daripada seksa neraka".
Ayat ini menunjukkan bahawa alam sekitar fizikal dan seluruh cakerawala adalah tanda kebesaran Allah Yang Maha Pencipta. Orang beriman sentiasa berusaha menjadikan alam sekitar terpelihara dan bersih, bukan saja dalam keadaan aman, malah ketika peperangan.
Ajaran Islam mengajar umatnya supaya melestarikan alam sekitar kerana di sebalik kehijauan hutan dan kebiruan langit, tertera ayatullah yang memperlihatkan sifat Allah Yang Maha Kuasa dan Maha Pencipta.
Sehubungan itu, tahun baru hijrah ini sewajarnya mencetuskan kesedaran baru untuk memperteguhkan komitmen terhadap pelestarian alam sekitar. Setiap umat Islam sewajarnya memperbaharui tekad untuk memantapkan lagi minda lestari dan mengurangkan tapak ekologi masing-masing.
Ini boleh dilakukan dengan mengurangkan penghasilan sisa dan mengoptimumkan penggunaan sumber tenaga, air dan bahan mentah dalam kehidupan harian.
Negara Islam pula perlu lebih proaktif mencari peluang untuk menyumbang mengimarahkan bumi dan mengurangkan kesan pemanasan global. Hal ini penting kerana negara Islam nampaknya tidak menonjol membantu warga alam merealisasikan Protokol Kyoto.
Apatah lagi untuk menyerlahkan komitmen terhadap inisiatif pasca Protokol Kyoto selepas 2012. Secara tidak langsung, keadaan ini menunjukkan kepada dunia seolah-olah ajaran dan umat Islam tidak peka kepada isu global yang ketika ini menjadi fokus media dan agenda penting peringkat antarabangsa.
Umat Islam hanya menjadi 'penerima' bukannya 'penyumbang' dalam konteks Mekanisme Pembangunan Bersih (CDM). Oleh itu, tahun baru Hijrah 1429 ini wajar dijadikan titik bermula untuk lebih komited melestarikan alam sekitar.

Negara Islam juga perlu menyatakan komitmen dalam konteks perancangan untuk melaksanakan pembangunan lestari secara lebih konkrit. Sebagai contoh, Sweden meletakkan sasaran 2020, negara itu tidak lagi memerlukan minyak sebagai sumber tenaga.
Ini kerana minyak adalah hidrokarbon utama yang menyumbang kepada pemanasan global. Amerika Syarikat -walaupun tidak menandatangani Protokol Kyoto - sudah memulakan inisiatif mengurangkan pelepasan gas rumah kaca di sektor automobil 25 peratus menjelang 2016 berbanding 2006.
Persoalannya, apakah sasaran dan komitmen warga dan negara Islam dalam konteks pelestarian alam sekitar pasca Protokol Kyoto?
PROF DATUK DR ZAINI UJANG, Timbalan Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- Dipetik dari Akhbar Berita Harian, RABU 9 Januari 2008